
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 12 Jun 2018 7:53 EDT
Ask the Expert - Implementing Continuous Integration using Jenkins with Ketan Verma
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Hi Ketan,
I have configured Jenkins in my local machine having Pega 7.2.2 Personal Edition.
I have followed below article to configure -
When I run the build, I am seeing below issue -
E:\Pega\prpcServiceUtils-7.2.2\scripts\utils\prpcserviceutilsWrapper.xml:171: Connection Property file -Dprpc.service.util.action=export is not a valid file
Total time: 0 seconds
Exiting with Error
Hi Ketan,
I have configured Jenkins in my local machine having Pega 7.2.2 Personal Edition.
I have followed below article to configure -
When I run the build, I am seeing below issue -
E:\Pega\prpcServiceUtils-7.2.2\scripts\utils\prpcserviceutilsWrapper.xml:171: Connection Property file -Dprpc.service.util.action=export is not a valid file
Total time: 0 seconds
Exiting with Error
Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
I have attached the complete Console Output along with prpcServiceUtils folder and Jenkins configuration screen shots.
Can you please help me identifying what I am missing here ?
Dilip Voosuru

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Dilip,
Please try changing Execute Windows batch command to single line i.e "%PEGA_HOME%\scripts\utils\prpcServiceUtils.bat export --connPropFile %WORKSPACE%\%SystemName%_export.properties --artifactsDir %WORKSPACE%" as in screenshot (Screenshot 4 in word doc) I am able to see there is a newline character.
although I was having some other issues so I have to update command to " %PEGA_HOME%\scripts\utils\prpcServiceUtils.bat export --connPropFile %PEGA_HOME%\scripts\utils\%SystemName%_export.properties --artifactsDir %PEGA_HOME% "
Ketan Verma

Hi Ketan,
I am glad that you are able to reproduce the issue. I will be waiting for your response.
Dilip Voosuru
Mainak Bhattacharya

Pegasystems Inc.
I am able to export and edited my response above. please check same and let me know.

Hi Ketan,
Thank you for guiding me, after doing below changes, export happened successfully but I am still having issues with Import.
After removing the extra line, I faced issues with the %WORKSPACE% path since it had space in the file path (in my case C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins).
So, I too changed the command to below -
%PEGA_HOME%\scripts\utils\prpcServiceUtils.bat export --connPropFile
%PEGA_HOME%\scripts\utils\%SystemName%_export.properties --artifactsDir %PEGA_HOME%
I have configured both export & import in the same project. Though export is successful, import is getting failed with below output -
Hi Ketan,
Thank you for guiding me, after doing below changes, export happened successfully but I am still having issues with Import.
After removing the extra line, I faced issues with the %WORKSPACE% path since it had space in the file path (in my case C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins).
So, I too changed the command to below -
%PEGA_HOME%\scripts\utils\prpcServiceUtils.bat export --connPropFile
%PEGA_HOME%\scripts\utils\%SystemName%_export.properties --artifactsDir %PEGA_HOME%
I have configured both export & import in the same project. Though export is successful, import is getting failed with below output -
[jenkins] $ cmd.exe /C "C:\apache-ant-1.10.3\bin\ant.bat -file Jenkins-build.xml -DproductVersion=01.01.01 -DproductName=SiD_RnD_Data_Auto_Test importprops && exit %%ERRORLEVEL%%"
Buildfile: E:\Pega\prpcServiceUtils-7.2.2\scripts\samples\jenkins\Jenkins-build.xml
E:\Pega\prpcServiceUtils-7.2.2\scripts\samples\jenkins\Jenkins-build.xml:19: E:\Pega\prpcServiceUtils-7.2.2\scripts\samples\jenkins\PegaprpcServiceUtils-7.2.2 does not exist.
Total time: 0 seconds
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
I have uploaded the console output, could you please share your inputs on this ?
Dilip Voosuru

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Dilip,
The error says it's not able to find the specified folder in --artifactsDir. Please verify the folder exist.
I have tried a workaround for same and its worked for me. Attaching steps for the workaround in the document.
Please let me know your comments.

Hi Ketan,
Thank you for your help. Now the build is working fine with both export & import.
However, the existing instances are skipped on import though I have set below -
import.existingInstances=override in prpcServiceUtils.properties file and
ImportExistingInstances=override in the Jenkins project environment variables.
Can you please help me, where else I am missing the variable to make my import override the instances instead of skipping.
Thank you in advance
Dilip Voosuru

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Dilip,
I am not facing this issue in my environment (maybe because of Pega 7.4). Could you please try restoring prpc service utils file original state and try. if you don't provide any data in properties file it will automatically take from Jenkins job. In this way, there is only time you will define ImportExistingInstances property.
Thank you

Cox Communications
Do you have a "best practice" around database deployments that are not part of the Pega RAP? We currently use Jenkins and Pega to deploy rules etc but any DDL/DML is done externally.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi David,
does externally SQL update means manually or you are using ANT to run sql?
Normally we use ANT scripts to run DDL/DML script by Jenkins.

Cox Communications
Externally does means manually today. We're looking at automating the process via Jenkins but we're looking at a different tool than ant. We had used ant via prpcUtils to deploy RAPs previously.

Cox Communications
Are you using sqltask - https://ant.apache.org/manual/Tasks/sql.html ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, we are using same.
Sreekrishna keerthi kanth Tadi Nishadha Fonseka

Ernst & Youngs
Hi Ketan,
We are planning to use prpcServiceUtils to call the export REST API services as part of our DevOps implementation. the REST API URL is configured as - https://serverhostname:443/prweb/PRRestService/
Pega version we are using is - 7.3.1
When we are executing it, it shows the below error - [java] Error Messages : REQUEST_EXECUTION_ERROR com.pega.pegarules.serviceclient.exception.PRPCServiceException: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: No appropriate protocol, may be no appropriate cipher suite specified or protocols are deactivated.
Any idea, why we are encountering this error and how to resolve this?
Updated: 21 May 2018 8:07 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Aishik,
I am not able to find the root cause of this issue. could you please send me more details and log files.

Ernst & Youngs
Hi Ketan,
Pega version we are using - PRPC 7.3.1
Application Server - JBOSS
Pega Hosting is SSL enabled.
We are using prpcServiceUtils CLI tool to connect to the export REST services.
PFA the log files. Let me know if anything else is required.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Aishik,
Cloud you please share prpc utils properties files and xml files as well. I am not able to find root cause of issue,

Ernst & Youngs
Hi Ketan,
PFA the files you requested for.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @SENA0001,
We see that you had created a new post for your query: SSL Handshake Exception While Using prpcServiceUtils Tool
Please continue the discussion over the new post.

NTT Data
For Business user Licensing perspective is it Jenkins need to get separate license ? or if we have Pega User License that would takes care.

Pegasystems Inc.
Jenkins is an open source automation server so no license required for the same.

Citigroup Inc
Hi Ketan,
We are on Pega 7.2.1. Could you please help suggest which tool is being used for Unit testing as part of integration process.apart from Pega Unit

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Krishna,
Pega Unit test is the best available tool for the Unit test in general, again it depends on what kind of rules you want to test. if you are using Pega marketing you can use Simulation tools provided by Marketing applications.

Hi Ketan,
I have configured Pega 7.3.1 with Jenkins to automate the deployments using prpcServiceUtils. I have managed to export the artifact into a third-party repository ex: JFrog. I am trying to create custom repositories like BitBucket, will the version 7.3.1 support creating custom repositories? if yes, can you please provide me with starting pointers on where exactly to look and start implementing the same?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Bharat,
We see that you have created a new post for this query. As we will be closing our Ask the Expert session today, our expert will help you out on your post: Custom Repository in Pega 7.3.1
Thank you for your understanding.