Add Row number to Tree grid
Hi ,
Can someone tell me how we can enable row numbering for Tree Grid as we do for Repeat Grid Layouts?
Thanks in Advance
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Hi ,
Can someone tell me how we can enable row numbering for Tree Grid as we do for Repeat Grid Layouts?
Thanks in Advance
how to add parent item always in tree grid
Ex: Let say i have Page list "Item" and having a link Add item. when i click on link it should add item1, item2 , item3.
problem i am facing is if my control at item1. item1 it adding item1.item2 but i need to add item2)
Note: add item control adds an item after the selected item (if i am selected 1.1.2 item, it adds 1.1.3) but i need to add on top most (level1).
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