The new Pega Support ticketing process (effective May 22, 2023) brings an improved experience and, with it, some changes in Pega Support policy and procedure.
The policy handbook and the procedure guide were moved from the Pega Documentation site to the Pega Support Center.
Your primary references are available here in the Pega Support Center:
Support@Pega Client Handbook (policy handbook)
How to Get Support (procedure guide)
Pega Support experience is changing (announcement)
Ask the Expert session (May 22 - June 2, 2023, weekdays)
Click Follow or Favorite on this Support Document to see future updates.
The first three Pega Support Center references listed are closed to Comments.
To submit feedback on the policy handbook and the procedure guide (the first two references), take the following actions, depending on your role:
If you are a Pega client, submit your feedback to your Pega Account Executive (PAE), Pega Client Success Manager (CSM), or Pega Support engineer.
If you are a PAE, CSM, Pega Support engineer, or other Pega colleague, submit feedback (FDBK) to TSO KM BL-10060, for your questions and issues and for Pega client questions and issues.