
Last activity: 22 Oct 2015 10:41 EDT
XSD Import Errors
Hi, When I am importing a well formed XSD into Pega 7 application using metadata converter wizard, i am getting the following error "Schema for namespace '' contains an simpleContent restriction facet with no value". but this XSD is being used by other non-pega applications and they dont face any issues. I have tested XSD in eclipse and there is no error as well. XSD has tags like
<xs:simpleType name="XXX">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="ABC"/>
But pega is not parsing it and throwing error. Any one faced this issue before?
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Please share the XSD used to import and PRPC version?

unfortunately i cant share the XSD in the public forum and if it is the only option, then I will open a SR with pega. Thanks for your support.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sridhar,
The error looks like it may come from the engine class:
So when you log the SR , please first enable DEBUG on this class and generate some logging to attach to the SR to help with the analysis.

Yes, the java trace is showing the error at the same class. I will update SR with the trace information.

Is this single stand-alone XSD?. If not then you might want to cross check interlinked XSDs, their namespace definitions and if all of them reside at a same location which is accessible to pega.

it is the single XSD which has one namespace definition and all other applications are using it... i will open SR for this.

Hi, I have 3 questions.
1. When we import XSD, by default it generates all the complex types to pages but not page lists. Is there a standard that source XSD has to follow so that generated properties can have page lists?
2. When a attribute has enumeration values, pega is generating them as text properties with local list of values. But generated property has blank UI control. When we use this property in UI section, it shows as a text input field and throws validation on submit. There is no way to identify until we open the property and expand "display & validation" section. As there could be many properties like this, how to identify what is a local list property? is it bug in product not to add the control or do we have to update XSD any attribute?
3. There are restrictions added to XSD for attributes like max and min values, UUID cant be edited, etc... but the generated properties does not have any validations defined in property form. Will there be any link to the underlying XSD? if yes, how to look at them? Every time Pega developers cant get into the XSD and search for the restrictions. What is the better way of looking at them?
Appreciate your support.

Hi Sri,
I can answer your first question. Remaining two queries, need a bit research.
- When we import XSD, by default it generates all the complex types to pages but not page lists. Is there a standard that source XSD has to follow so that generated properties can have page lists?
Ans: Complex type element should have maxOccurs="unbounded" in order to create Pagelist properties using xsd. If we don't use maxOccurs="unbounded" wizard will create pagel property. Please cross verify the same in your existing xsd.

Thanks for the update. Here are set of questions.
1. Where can I find the information in PDN about this? I mean I have gone through help but could not find much information
2. If maxoccurs is set to a value say minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5" Does Pega generates pagelist? Or do I have to specify always unbounded?
3. Do I have to specify minOccurs as well?
4. As I mentioned in initial thread, this is a generic XSD used by most of the applications at client location. Do we have to create a Pega version of XSD? If yes, can you please share the source standards?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sri,
The standards are driven by the XSD schema definition in the XSD

Pegasystems Inc.
I see that above you stated that you were going to open an SR for this. Did you ever open one? If so, please let us know the SR and we'll notate this thread with that for tracking.


Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you! I've updated the thread with those SRs!