Last activity: 7 Jan 2019 16:33 EST
WSDL file to be changed in production environment
Hi All ,
I have requirement as such that the service which my Connect-SOAP is consuming has changed its WSDL file . My application is in production .
How to handle such scenario where I need to use the new WSDL file updated by the service provider .
Wont it affect the class structure created during the SOAP Integration ?
Thanks in advance
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Exavalu Inc
hi Kunal,
As long as new WSDL has backward compatibility or right version control for the SOAP Operations you have consumed and Changes like adding new optional types/elements, should nor impact your application.
You could start by analyzing WSDL changes and see if those changes impact you.
To begin with you could host the PROD WSDL in a NonProd environment and run the SOAP Operations.
Hi Aditya ,
Thank you for the response . Could you please make me understand if the WSDL has major changes like response parameters are added which in return if consumed freshly will create a different class structure in the Integration class . Will not such changed WSDL impact the SOAP operations .
If such the situation , is there any way to accommodate the new WSDL in the Connect SOAP and modify the class changes accordingly ...
Thanks ,
Kunal Anand
Hi ,
Could you please elaborate a little further ?
Kunal Goyal
Brendan Horan Nour eldeen Mohammed Prakash Chinnakaruppan Kevin Cotter Rahul Gamini and 4 More
Instasmart Software Solutions
There is no OOTB or standard solution to this problem. WSDL is more like a contract that says what exactly is expected (request) by service and what does it exactly return (response). Like its already mentioned in the previous reply, what is exactly changed should be looked into.
1. If you are using XSLTs then perhaps you can accommodate news changes directly in those files.
2. If you are using, parse or XML rules then u might want to update their mapping. You necessarily might not have to change any class structure etc. Although you may or may not have to create new properties to update mappings in ur parse/XML rules.
Pegasystems Inc.
One way of knowing the differences could be re run the connector wizard and generate the classes, properties etc in to a new ruleset on a different system(where there are no existing connector classes) and perform a comparision of the generated rules. As conveyed in most of the previous replies backwards compatibility should be maintained by WSDL providers and the changes might be very few and can be accommodated manually
Thank you for the response .Got the concept ..... I feel even the xsd's can be provided so that the service which gets impacted can be reimported . So that the changed parameters can be accommodated in the higher versions . Is the procedure right ?
Astrid Hazebroek
Pegasystems Inc.
Non-versioned rules can have only one instance. For example a second class instanced can not be created with the same name as the first class. What can be done is as follows:
1. Generate all the rules using connector wizard in a separate machine
2. Take RAP of all the versioned rules(like parse rules, stream rules, property rules etc) and import them to the original machine you have.
This way at least some part can be automated. But still your application logic which is dependent on the connectors must be changed a bit. In any case this has to be done.
Pegasystems Inc.
The contract between the service provider and service consumer is how the request should be and how the response will be. The changes in WSDL will ultimately boil down to one of these things. So the changes from your side will be the
1. Rule changes which prepare the request to the service
2. Rule chances which consume the response from the service