
Pegasystems Limited
Last activity: 18 Nov 2018 22:21 EST
Work with JSP and Clipboard
I try to transfer a value from one property to another by JSP.
I try to transfer a value from one property to another by JSP. When I try to set the value "123" it works well.
But when I try to transfer property value from the property placed in a loop it does not work. I need to set in the property: “.Temp” value “$this.NameCompany” on each iteration of the loop. Below is an example of the code that I use to execute this requirement.
<pega:forEach name="InfoForPDF.pxResults">
<td> <pega:forEach name="$this.pxPages">
<pega:reference name="$this.PolisNumber"/>
<td> <pega:forEach name="$this.pxPages">
<pega:reference name="$this.ManagerVSK"/>
<td> с <pega:forEach name="$this.pxPages">
<pega:reference name="$this.BeginPolisPeriod"/>
</pega:forEach> по <pega:forEach name="$this.pxPages">
<pega:reference name="$this.EndPolisPeriod"/>
<td> <pega:forEach name="$this.pxPages">
<pega:reference name="$this.CityConclusion"/>