
Last activity: 22 Feb 2016 23:11 EST
Why there is no "Exit Iteration" in the Transition conditions in an activity?
Is there any reason behind not having an "Exit Iteration" ?.
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You mean in the Jump functionality?

Pegasystems Inc.
Isnt the transition step executed after the intended action has been executed ? There does not seem to be an use case to exit iteration at that point, as you have already executed the action .

Those are my exact thoughts. That's why I asked my question, to double check that I have understood correctly.

Yes, you are correct. But say I have steps 2.3 and 2.4. Now once step 2.3 has been executed, i want to exit the iteration(using the transition). Since that is not available, I'll have to set a pre-condition in step 2.4 to exit iteration. I hope I'm clear with my point.

Not necessarily. You can have the Jump configured to Jump to another Step (use a label). I do get your point however and it might be something useful to have.
Nitin Agarwal

You cannot jump to a previous step (from 2.3 to 2.0).

Mmm, interesting point, I never had to do any similar functionality and as such only just noticed. I suppose then you have no other choice but to configure a When Condition on the following step to skip that step. I see this can be a hassle if there are multiple steps after the step that should terminate the iteration. Maybe this is something Pega could look into implementing.
Updated: 19 Feb 2016 2:36 EST

I just tried to select the Jump to Later Step option of the Jump and I gave it a Label corresponding to a previous step. It did not throw an error and I was able to save. I haven't tested it functionally to know if it actually works or not. Have you tried such a scenario?

Interesting. It used to throw error when we try to refer a label of a previous step. I will give it a try.

Common Wealth Bank of Australia
In Pega 7.1.9 , I have used a label jump for a similar scenario which refers to the previous step label. It works perfectly. I wondered why there is no "Exit Iteration" at Jump. As, that is the exact scenario I used the label jump for.

If I jump to the step 2.0 from 2.4, does that mean the processing will repeat the steps from 2.0 with the same iteration or will it start a new iteration ?.

I didn't know you could jump backwards.
In fact, in previous Pega versions, I remember having steps like this:
Call something if (StepFail) continue else goto OK
Call showError exitActivity
OK: Call somethingElse if (StepFail) continue else goto OK
Call showError exitActivtity
In other words, I took advantage of copying similar steps over and over, re-using the SAME tag again and again. The "goto" always jumped forward to the next occurrence of the mentioned tag.

Seems like the behavior of "Jump to later step" inside a loop differs.
Inside a loop goto allows to jump to a previous step within the loop.
But if you try to do similar on a normal step, it doesn't allow to save the rule itself.
I'm wondering if this behavior is there from Pega 6.x as well.

If within-loop post conditions allow jumping back and not-within-loop post conditions only allow jumping forward, I wonder how the name space of tags is handled. For jumping forward, it’s clear what to do about multiple tags of the same name (you just jump forward to the nearest one of that name). But what happens when the same tag appears in a loop and outside the loop ?
By the way, if any of what you are observing is disagreeing with documentation, or the documentation is lacking, please report it so we remember to fix it. Let me know if the reporting mechanism is not clear, and I will find out what it is.

I'm using 7.1.6, and the activity throws an error when I try to use same label for two different steps (no matter if they are within a loop or outside). I remember that this used to be a warning and not an error in PRPC 6.2.
I'm using 7.1.6, and the activity throws an error when I try to use same label for two different steps (no matter if they are within a loop or outside). I remember that this used to be a warning and not an error in PRPC 6.2.
Also, in documentation I can only find that jump is allowed only to a higher numbered steps. No where it is mentioned that we can jump to a lower numbered step.