In which activity parameter "OnlyCreateOutputPageIfError" and "activeFlowAtStart" set?
I would like to have a small help, if anyone of you could help me understand where is the parameter "OnlyCreateOutputPageIfError" and "activeFlowAtStart" set?
Pega PRPC : 7.1.8
In the activity "Work- performFlowAction", in step 18 a jump condition checks the value of the parameter "OnlyCreateOutputPageIfError", and jumps to the step 20 with label OUT. (Step 18 is a java step calling activity "Assign- CompleteAssignment").
I couldn't find it being set in either performFlowAction or CompleteAssignment activity.
Could you someone please help me on this?
Also, in the tracer if I open the parameter page, I see one more parameter named as "activeFlowAtStart".
Does anyone have any idea of what does this parameter means and where is it set?
Any help on this subject would be useful.
Thanks & Regards,
Vartika Arora