
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 19 Apr 2018 4:57 EDT
Where can I find the PRServlet's standard authentication process related rules?
We have two Pega URLs for:
1. LDAP authentication (PRWebLDAP1)
2. Standard authentication (PRServlet)
Some operators have check on "Use external authentication" on operator ID and they need to use LDAP URL. Other operators have no check on "Use external authentication" and they use standard PRServlet. We are considering if we can merge the URL into one so operators do not have to switch URL. So requirement is, after user logs in, if the check box is on, run Code-Security.AuthenticateLDAP (out-of-the-box activity) otherwise run standard matching process (check if entered password is the same as the one in PRPC database (PR_OPERATOR table's password). If there is any out-of-the-box process API to match credentials in Pega database, I can call it in the AuthenticationLDAP activity using conditioning. Where can I find one?