
Last activity: 14 Jan 2019 9:14 EST
What if the URL for the production environment is different from the one for the development environment?
Do we have any best practices to handle the situation that the Web Adapter's URL for the production environment is different from the one for the development environment?
Replacing all the URLs in the Web Adapter's properties and all the match rules suffice? Or, do we have any simpler approach to achieve it such as parameterizing the URL?
The thing that comes to my mind is to weaken the URL match rules to meet both development and production environments, though we still need to replace Web Adapter's StartPage property manually. Any ideas?
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Westpac Banking Corporation
In general, will follow as below.
1. Declare AppURL, IsProd variables (similar) in global container.
2. Add two configurations (dev, prod) in project
3. Define values for above variables in dev, prod configurations
4. In AllProjectsStarted event check isProd and assign the url to adapater startpage property.

Hi Jaya,
As you have mentioned I have created AppURL (string type) and isprod(bool type) variables in GC,but how to check isprod?Could you please explain in detail.

Instasmart Software Solutions
Try using system settings to store URLs. System settings automatically work on production level. So it will return you the appropriate value according to the environment.

Hi Anupam,
Could you please elaborate this process.
Jayashree Nagamanickam Shanmugam

RPA/RDA Practitioner
A code free way to do this is.
Step 1) Add the Prod and Test config files
Step 2) Open the adapter > right click on the "StartPage' property label > click 'Configure...' and set the URLS for each environment.
See image for example.

Hi Anthony,
Thanks for the response,after that should I create deployment file for each environment separately?and deploy them on the machines accordingly?

RPA/RDA Practitioner
When you deploy the solution it will create the DEFAULT .manifest and .openspan deployment files and will create additional .manifest and .openspan files for each configuration file (ex PROD and TEST) using the 'Name' of the configuration file.
So for the example it will automatically create.
- DEFAULT: SOLUTION.manifest and SOLUTION.openspan
- PROD Config: SOLUTION-PROD.manifest and SOLUTION-PROD.openspan
- TEST Config: SOLUTION-TEST.manifest and SOLUTION-TEST.manifest

Hi Anthony,
Thanks for the help,now I got a clear picture of what's to be done.
Thanks and Regards,