
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 9 Oct 2019 15:47 EDT
Using word templates
We have a requirement to use word templates with pega clipboard values inserted in it. Client has certain template letters to be sent to policy holders. Policy holder info to be inserted into the template letter run time.
Sounds simple using the OOTB word templates but i can't find a simple implementation to do so. I see a OOTB case management gallery flow action to do this but its all written in custom html/java script to launch silverlight to merge the clipboard data into document. Looks like all the work is happening on client side using silverlight api.
However our requirement is to send the letter in the background. I tried to use AttachCategorizedWordDoc in the context of the work item by passing file source. The file source is a word template wit field codes in it referring to pega clipboard values. However the activity AttachCategorizedWordDoc is just attaching the document to the case and the clipboard values were inserted into the document already in the sections.
So is there a way for us to do this server side? I mean like the application document generation. Any help is appreciated.