
Congizant Technology Solution
Last activity: 11 Jan 2017 1:58 EST
URL Redirection
Hello Guys, i want to know , how to redirect pega url from PRServlet/* to PRServletContainerAuth/*
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Accepted Solution

By using reverse proxy in prconfig.xml you can achieve it. I'm not sure how feasible to set in your application.
<env name="initialization/SetBaseHTMLContext" value="https://hostname:portnumber/prweb" />
<env name="initialization/ContextRewriteEnabled" value="true" />

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Jeya,
I hope you are aware that PRServlet is standard(basic) authentication type. Same way PRServletContainerAuth is used for container managed authentication type, do you really want to redirect someone who is authenticated using basic authentication type(PRServlet) to PRServletContainerAuth URL context to re-authenticate(using a different type ?)
In general, we perform redirects in case of timeouts/exceptions to challenge the user during authentication process.

Congizant Technology Solution
Hi Harish , Thanks for your response.
My project is moving from non SSO (PRServlet) to SSO (PRServletContainerAuth) using spnego protocol.This part is completed.
Business does not want to change the Url. Even if PRServlet is used by user , they want this url to redirect to PRServletContainerAuth and authenticate the user using spnego.So this way it will be authenticated only once by PRServletContainerAuth.
Do you think is there a way to perform redirection in web.xml or somewhere else ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Jeya,
One way of achieving this is through load balancer/webserver to redirect any URL pattern of /PRServlet/* to PRServletContainerAuth URL pattern.
Accepted Solution

By using reverse proxy in prconfig.xml you can achieve it. I'm not sure how feasible to set in your application.
<env name="initialization/SetBaseHTMLContext" value="https://hostname:portnumber/prweb" />
<env name="initialization/ContextRewriteEnabled" value="true" />

Congizant Technology Solution
Thanks Gangababu.
I will try this in my application

Pegasystems Inc.