Unit Testing for flows and activities
We need to have some Unit Test functionality which covers Process Flows, Activities and Decision Rules.
We need a solution which would allow to run a unit test, using a certain context, and decide which properties are important to for the outcome, to use as assertions, and ignore everything else (as for JUnit for example).
Our goal is to have Test Driven Development, using Agile methodologies.
At this moment, when we check-in new code, or deploy new code, there is no way with the Out-of-the-Box product, to automatically run unit tests, and check for regression errors, and integrating this with Jenkins (this part i think is possible, but not unit testing flows, activities and decisions) or other Continuous Integration solutions. We can only run functional tests, using SOAP UI or tools like Selenium, Tosca or other 3rd party test tools.
When can we expect Pega to enhance the product to include these critical functionalities? For now, we only this for Data Pages and Decisioning.