
Unit Test Case for DATA PAGE
Hello Everyone,
we are trying to get an insight for implementing AUT in our Application.
For Data page for the Data Source as Activity(This activity sets property in the PYworkpage after receiving the response from external system)
however while creating Assertion type for Data page we understood that the user should hardcode the expected values as assertion types.
however this will be different for everytype of workobject we would create since they will receive variable responses as per their types. and we would need to create new testcase each time.
also since the activity is a data source hence untill the data is not present in the pyworkpage the testcase fails, we have to create a new activity with a set of hardcoded values to be set on the pyworkpage and then the testcase works.
that means our scenario doesnt qualify for UNIT TEST.
Please correct my understanding and provide your suggestion for better workarounds for UNIT TEST IMPLMENATATION.