Unable to upload an image using pzUploadFileWithBrowseOption
I am trying to upload an image using the ootb rules pzMain which uses pzUploadFileWithBrowseOption.
On click of upload file, i get error "SelectAFileOfTypeAndTryAgain".
I traced and found that the error is emerging at a control FixedSizeForInput in Pega-Gadgets:08-01-01.
I am trying to upload an image using the ootb rules pzMain which uses pzUploadFileWithBrowseOption.
On click of upload file, i get error "SelectAFileOfTypeAndTryAgain".
I traced and found that the error is emerging at a control FixedSizeForInput in Pega-Gadgets:08-01-01.
Also, in the tracer the pyFilePath is empty after upload.
Does it have something to do with the dimensions of the image i upload ?
I have tried uploading all png, gif, jpg and jpeg files of different sizes. The error still persists.