
Last activity: 5 May 2016 8:18 EDT
Issues with image-upload
When I am trying to upload an image , the file-path is not reflecting in the corresponding property (pyWorkpage-propertyname), upon clicking the upload button, its displaying the null-pointer-exception error.
Please help!
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ankita,
Sorry to answer your question with additional questions but we need to know in order to help. What type of Image are you trying to upload and what PRPC mechanism are you using to accomplish the upload? Also, what version of PRPC are you using? Finally, what is your use case for uploading images?
Pega Academy

It is a case of making POC in the version 6.3 where I need to upload the image of an applicant & his/her signature .To achive the same I used AttachFile control in the first place with the Browse button.
Then I replaced it with FilePath for experiment.But the problem is the property in which I am trying to store the value is not storingthe same.So when I am trying to upload it as the property is vacant so its throwing me a null pointer exception.Please suggest me the correct way to do the same.Thanks in advance.

Infosys Limited
Hi I am also having the same problem the File name or File name with complete path is not getting posted to clipboard when using AttachFile control on a Property. Please help.

Pegasystems Inc.
If you are using Pega 7 then look no further than the Capture Signature control. This control will allow you to embed a field in your form and allow the user to write their signature in a modal dialog box. When submitted the property is saved with the case and the signature is added as a png to the case.
If you are using a prior version of Pega I would suggest using a button and adding the following actions to it:
Once added and saved you should be able to click the button, choose the file and then see the image has been associated with your case via the Attachments gadget.
Hope this helps,
Pega Academy

Pegasystems Inc.
I have tried to use your approach. I am getting the following error message and the configured action is as below.

Thank you very much for your help Sean.
I followed the procedure you mentioned by using which I was able to upload any file succcessfully in 6.3.One thing I need to mention is that the last onclick action could not be performed by me as only Refresh List & Refresh Section fields are present here with no checkbox like Disable Submit on Refresh.
But the problem is in the tracer the Step Page field is not showing the name of the file which I am uploading which shows up in 7.
Also if I use the BROWSE button in the modal dialog of the attachment gadget then a page DragDropFileUpload is showing up which does not contain any value in pxResults field in the clipboard.But if I use the Drag and Drop Files Box for pasting the file from local host the DragDropFileUpload page is not forming in the clipboard.
For all the above activities I am not getting to see the attachments if I do not check in the Show Subcase Attachments box in the UI.
Can you please throw some light in these issues.
Thanks once again.