
Synechron Inc.
Last activity: 6 Nov 2018 20:02 EST
Unable to open Log Viewer due to missing LogViewer.exe in Pega robotics studio
I am unable to open log viewer since logviewer.exe is not installed during Pega robotic studio installation. Kindly let me know how to download it manaually.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Madhukar Ganesh Chatra
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
The RuntimeConfig should be in the AppData\Roaming\OpenSpan folder.

Pegasystems Inc.
What are you planning on using LogViewer for? LogViewer is actually not what you would use to view the RuntimeLog, use a text editor instead.

Synechron Inc.
Hi Jeff,
I am trying to see the logs for automation process. Even though the Log settings are proper in Runtimeconfig.xml file, I am not able to see Runtimelog.txt file. I have attached the Runtimeconfig.xml file. Kindly go through the file and let me know if there is any problem with some settings.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Madhukar Ganesh Chatra

Pegasystems Inc.
Where are you looking for the log file? Trying looking in the %appdata% folder. The settings look like they should be producing a log. I would change the FileToKeep to a number larger than 1 though and for the categories set the Level to 4. The RuntimeConfig.xml that will be used is in the %appdata% folder. Where was this one located?

Synechron Inc.
Hi Jeff,
The RuntimeConfig.xml file was under below listed path.
C:\Users\ZKD4Y94\Documents\Pega Robotics Studio\Projects\Interact-Fee\Interact-Fee\bin\Debug\RuntimeConfig.xml
Also there is nothing under AppData folder and the path for AppData folder is C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local
Thanks and Best Regards,
Madhukar Ganesh Chatra
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
The RuntimeConfig should be in the AppData\Roaming\OpenSpan folder.

Synechron Inc.
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for your help. I don't why those folders are not present in my installation folder. If I create those folders will it help me in tracing the logs.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Madhukar Ganesh chatra

Synechron Inc.
Hi Jeff,
I have also found that, there is no settings for SuperTrace in openspan.ini file.
Madhukar Ganesh Chatra

I have read the trouble about runtimelog and I have the same your problem. I immagine you at this point have resolved it. I ask you if you can help me. It seems related with the installation path of the folders. Kind regards.
Gianluca Rossi

Pegasystems Inc.
What issue are you having with logging?

Pegasystems Inc.
Supertrace should only be used at the direction of the Support team.
**** If SuperTrace is enabled by accident, you will notice that the machine is running slower and you could fill your disk. ****