Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 7 Nov 2018 22:44 EST
Unable to obtain session. Cassandra hasn't been started or is unavailable
After Upgrade Pega(7.1.9 to 7.3.1) and Pega Marketing from(7.1.3 to 7.3.1) we see that in
Decision Data Store the NODE status is JOINING on node 1
Adaptice Decision Manager the NODE status is JOINING_FAILED on node1
Error: IllegalStateException: Required service ServiceDependency{serviceName=DDS, instance=Default} is configured to run, but none of the nodes are actually running
Real-Time Grid the NODE status is JOINING_FAILED on node1
for Data Flow it is NORMAL on both nodes and for second node status is NORMAL on all tabs
i can see that in node details tab of Decision Data Store we have an error message for both Nodes
"Unable to obtain session. Cassandra hasn't been started or is unavailable"
Please do let me know if anyone has faced similar issue and how can we resolve the same.
We have ADM and VBD servers on node 1