Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 30 Mar 2017 7:48 EDT
Unable to access properties created in branch from the application ruleset
Hi All,
We are having an application which is built on the foundation application. During our development we have created a branch which has the rulesets that are defined in the foundation application.
1. We are having an application called Impl containing Impl Ruleset
2. This Impl application is built on a foundation application called as FW containing a FW Ruleset
3. We are creating a branch B1 containg FW ruleset for our active development which would be later merged with the foundation application.
4. When we create a new property in Work- class say P1 in the branch and try to access the same property from the Impl ruleset we are unable to access that property we are getting an error stating that the property is not available in the rule resolution path.