TreeNavigation Harness Issue
We are using TreeNavigation harness at one of the stage in our application(PRPC v7.1.8). The default behaviour of the harness appears to be as follows:
When we navigate away from one tab to another tab (i.e. from one assignment to another assignment), below are the OOTB activities(Final rules) getting executed in sequence.
Work- GoToPreviousTask --> ï Work- Perform -->ï Work- DisplayHarness
Hence execution of activity ‘DisplayHarness’ will lead to reloading the TreeNavigation harness.
This also reinitialises all scripts (JS files) referenced in harness upon reload.
So, any Javascript running in background will be automatically killed.
Is there any way we can stop reloading entire harness but only referenced section ‘NavigationFramework7’ while navigating between tabs/assignments in TreeNavigation harness? By this the javascripts running in background will not be killed. We have invoked some background processing through Javascript which should not be affected by tabs navigation.