
Last activity: 18 Aug 2017 6:30 EDT
Transaction resume failure - Connect-SQL method( The server failed to resume the transaction. Desc:4700000001)
we are getting transaction failure message when we call external Data base Storedprocedure. I have provided the error we capture from SP in below and this issue is not getting from SQL managment studio. We are using one integrated windows account to execute external DB from TomCat. This account have execute permissions.
Calling SP is querying internally some external Databases. So i have given permissions to that DBs also.
Error Details:
NGAWLR-51 Encountered SQL Error
pxRDBError = There was a problem performing a database query: Problem retrieving database information for database ngabfd: code: 3971 SQLState: S0001 Message: The server failed to resume the transaction. Desc:4700000001.
pxRDBSQLCode = S0001
pxRDBSQLVendorError1 = 3971
pxRDBSQLVendorError2 =
pxRDBSQLVendorMessage1 = The server failed to resume the transaction. Desc:4700000001.
pxRDBSQLVendorMessage2 =
pxSQLStatementPre = {SQLPage:MySqlErrorsPage} \{ Call dbo.GetAgentDomainInpCLI( {.CLI}, {.ProductID} ) \}
pxSQLStatementPost = { Call dbo.GetAgentDomainInpCLI( ?, ? ) }
Please let us know if any one have idea on this issue or any suggestions.