Timeout anonymous requestors in a web mashup
We expose a case type to a customer facing website using web mashup and the authentication is done via an anonymous auth service. Whenever a customer visits the web page, a temporary operator is created. We observe that there're many requestors created and this results in a requestor limit alert. We also note that the requestors are removed after ~2 hours of inactivity (last access time). We would like to timeout the requestors as soon as possible to avoid the accumulation of too many requestors. The following options were tried and none of these seem to be in effect:
1. Set access group timeout (note that there's no 'use access group timeout' setting in anonymous auth service)
2. Use pxSessionTimer
3. Use customized version of pxSessionTimer as per https://collaborate.pega.com/question/session-timeout-back-login-screen
Please let us know if there's any possible solution to handle this.
Also, would like to know how the requestors are removed after ~2 hours. Which setting controls this behavior?