
Last activity: 4 Oct 2017 23:58 EDT
Is there a way how to get the first object by querying in html table?
Hi Guys
Here is the scenario:
A html table named "Tasks" includes 10 rows,each row has a link in column "Address" and status in column "Status".After you submitting data in the new window opened by clicking the link,the new window will close and the task handled by submitting data will be removed from table Tasks automatically (it has 9 rows now).
I used html designer to capture this table and it works well . Now i meet a problem that i can't use loop component to iterate the rows whose column "Status" is null because the rows will reduce after submitting data. An exception occurs with message "Unable to find contextId for key".I think the reason is i can't iterate a collection if it is changing while iterating it.
I thought another way to use create event of table "Tasks" and the query of link object like "Status = null" to implement my requirement,but as you know,the result of query "Status=null" has multiple link objects,what I want is like "linkObjects.FirstOrDefault". Is there a way how to get the first one of these link objects?
***Edited by Moderator Marisas to update categories***