
First Citizens Bank
Last activity: 27 Sep 2018 10:33 EDT
is there any way we can validate rules while importing?
In our Project, 2 or 3 developers working on same rule on different issues. let's take developer 1 did a save as from the existing rule and developer 2 did a save as from developer 1 rule changes. sometimes developer 2 changes first go to higher environments and it will automatically fail because higher env's doesn't have any developer 1 changes and the rules are not working as expected. we are not realizing until we do a re-validate and save on that rule in higher env's . we don't find Branching much useful to handle this.
Is there any process in Pega to re-validate the rules in Product file while import and throws an error if something is wrong? or else can we automate the bulk re-validate and save automatically running twice or thrice a day and find the issue?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****