
Last activity: 21 Mar 2019 1:09 EDT
Is there any way to remove "px" properties from a page?
I need to remove "pxObjClass" property from one of my clipboard pages. I know it is a reserved property and we can't use Property-Remove on it. But I am checking if any other way we have to delete this property from the page.
Ravi Kumar Pisupati.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ravi,
Not sure if this will work or not but you can give it a try:
Copy the clipboard page to a new page and then use property-remove method for the property and use this new page instead of using the page created automatically.

Thanks for the reply Vikash. I tried that way and no luck. Same err is coming.
The page or property TEST2 is unmodifiable. Calling method:, boolean, boolean, boolean) Details: property is reserved |
Updated: 14 Mar 2019 4:23 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Well I guess you could create your own page from scratch and avoid px properties but why do you need to do that? Usually px properties are quite interesting.
John Paul Raja Christu Raja

Hi Marc,
The reason why I need to delete the pxObjClass from my page is like I need to pass the page properties to Kafka topic via Data Set rule configuration. I am able to send the data to topic but the reserved properties like pxObjClass are being sent out along with my custom properties. I don’t want to send any Pega properties to Kafka and I need only my properties to be sent out. I was trying to delete these reserved properties from the page used in my process but I was unsuccessful. Hope I explained my scenario and I need some help in this regards.
Ravi Kumar.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ravi,
Could you please check in the tracer at which step it is failing.
I think it will be failing in some validation activity.
If the validation activity is available you might be able to modify it, but if it is a final rule then i think you will have to go with the option suggested by Marc.

Hi Vikash,
I didn’t use all tracer settings like all the rulesets. Let me select all the rulesets and other settings to trace this err info. I will let you know if any clue while tracing with full settings.
Ravi Kumar.

Looks like this is the key property for any page and Pega is not recommending to delete it until and unless if it is highly required to delete. I am good for now and I am closing this conversation. Thank you.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ravi,
I have a solution for this but I am not sure whether its best approach or not but this will solve your problem.
Step 1: Convert page to json string and remove pxobjclasss from Json string using below regex
Step 2: You can convert the Json string back to the page.
Vinay Reddy
Sowmya Narahari