
Fifth Third Bank Bank
Last activity: 14 Mar 2018 11:57 EDT
System.Data not recognized in script component
While writing a method in a script component, I noticed that System.Data not recognized. The namespace is already referenced in the project, and it is included in a using statement at the top of the script module.
When hovering the mouse over other namespaces, a context "tooltip" appears. This does not happen When hovering over "Data" in the using System.Data namespace. As a result, classes in the namespace cannot be accessed in the code.
Has anyone seen this issue? Or, are there some suggestions as to get this namespace recognized?
I am using Visual Studio 2015 with the Pega plugin version 8.0.1081.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 12 Mar 2018 18:04 EDT

Fifth Third Bank Bank
The problem appears to be simply due to a buggy IDE from Pega. Although some namespaces inside the script component lack intellisense -- which makes it appear they are not referenced properly -- if one knows the correct classes and methods to use, the script validates and runs fine.

Pegasystems Inc.
What happens when you build the project? I suspect you have misspelled System.Data. Can you include a screenshot please?

Fifth Third Bank Bank
The project builds fine. I've attached the screen shot. The "using System.Data;" statement was actually already there by default. As you can see in the screenshot, hovering over another namespace yields the tooltip popup. This does not work when hovering over the "Data" namespace. Furthermore, there is no intellisense when typing "System.Data", and then the dot, unlike the behavior for other namespaces.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 12 Mar 2018 18:04 EDT

Fifth Third Bank Bank
The problem appears to be simply due to a buggy IDE from Pega. Although some namespaces inside the script component lack intellisense -- which makes it appear they are not referenced properly -- if one knows the correct classes and methods to use, the script validates and runs fine.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hey Michael,
Checking this out - I saw that you mentioned a lack of intellisense for some classes, are you using Standalone or the Plugin version?
The Standalone version of Pega Robotics does not have any intellisense anywhere within due to what Microsoft provides in their Visual Studio Integrated Shell. I totally agree intellisense would be ideal but the fact that it isn't available is not fault of our own. With that said, the full featured Microsoft Visual Studio does have intellisense and you can use the Plugin version of Pega Robotics in conjunction. I noticed you said "some namespaces" so you might be using Plugin already but I would consider moving to VS2015 if you aren't.

Pegasystems Inc.
Alright I checked it out - from your picture, I definitely see that you're using VS2015 and the plugin. I do see what you're saying with the namespace not using intellisense with System.Data. I will put in a Change Request to have it reviewed.

Fifth Third Bank Bank
Thank you!

Fifth Third Bank Bank
A Pega Moderator has un-marked the Buggy IDE answer as the correct one, and sent a "private" message to me stating the same. In addition, they have down-voted the reply. Yet they offer no alternative as to what would or could be correct. They don't know the cause, yet they claim to know what is not the cause. Is this healthy moderation?

Pegasystems Inc.
I manage PSC moderation and personally gave the moderators the go ahead to take the action steps they did.
A few points of clarification: None of my team members down-voted your post. They are under strict orders not to. I do not want the team moderating content to be influencing opinion; just ensuring this space continues operating in the professional manner we pride ourselves in maintaining.
Which brings me to the next point, the most significant change I authorized for this thread was the removal of an unprofessional statement made against a Pega Employee who had taken time to assist you in this discussion. It is the right of every community participant to disagree with other community participants, even Pega Employees. But we have zero tolerance for any perceived insults or other unprofessional behavior, even if made in jest.
As part of this moderation update, I authorized unmarking the reply as being a correct answer. It is my opinion that a reply containing an unprofessional comment and a statement that our IDE is buggy is not, in fact, an answer that can be self-proclaimed by the user who posted it.
I manage PSC moderation and personally gave the moderators the go ahead to take the action steps they did.
A few points of clarification: None of my team members down-voted your post. They are under strict orders not to. I do not want the team moderating content to be influencing opinion; just ensuring this space continues operating in the professional manner we pride ourselves in maintaining.
Which brings me to the next point, the most significant change I authorized for this thread was the removal of an unprofessional statement made against a Pega Employee who had taken time to assist you in this discussion. It is the right of every community participant to disagree with other community participants, even Pega Employees. But we have zero tolerance for any perceived insults or other unprofessional behavior, even if made in jest.
As part of this moderation update, I authorized unmarking the reply as being a correct answer. It is my opinion that a reply containing an unprofessional comment and a statement that our IDE is buggy is not, in fact, an answer that can be self-proclaimed by the user who posted it.
Bringing me to my last point: Throughout this community you will find numerous posts identifying potential issues with our product. This is not a marketing tool, but one in which we provide more efficient support via the open community platforms leveraged throughout the industry. If we were to provide a community where the problems are never on our end, our mission to provide this support fails. That said, when it comes to general claims of “buggy IDEs” without specific details of what those bugs might be, the onus is not on the participant who posted the question to say they are correct, but our support professionals. There is a possibility our experienced engineers will look at this thread further and determine, yes, there is an issue with our software or there is at least the possibility for an enhancement. But given the volume of posts that come into the PSC, engineers tend to look at questions that are not marked as answered first. Once your reply was edited to remove the unnecessary comment, I felt it worth further assessment, which it might not get if your post remained marked as answered. This is the reason I authorized the moderators to switch it back to being unanswered.
In summary, and to answer your question: Yes. I believe this is healthy moderation. In the spirit of this community, feel free to disagree and provide additional feedback, but please keep it constructive and professional.
I do sincerely hope you get a resolution to this issue and look forward to your continued participation on the Product Support Community.
Brendan Horan
Technical Director, Global Customer Support

Fifth Third Bank Bank
Thank for the information Brendan.
I agree with many of your points. I will take into consideration how I word things. However, I have independent confirmation from one of your own consultants that it is due to quirks in the IDE. That is why I marked it as a correct answer. Yes, we don't know the nature of the bug, but that doesn't mean the conclusion is wrong.
Thank for the information Brendan.
I agree with many of your points. I will take into consideration how I word things. However, I have independent confirmation from one of your own consultants that it is due to quirks in the IDE. That is why I marked it as a correct answer. Yes, we don't know the nature of the bug, but that doesn't mean the conclusion is wrong.
I have been told that I should submit this as a ticket. That and other advice given in the past by Pega personnel goes contrary to the idea that a Support Engineer just might pick up an unanswered question and investigate it. On the contrary, what I did would be helpful to future developers who might encounter a similar issue. It is very much what one might find on when an OP discovers an answer to their own question.
By the way, I only posted my "answer" because several days had gone by since I uploaded the screen shot in response to Jeff Badger, and provided answers to his questions. I understand he and others like him are volunteering their time, but if a request is made like that, and they get the replies they requested, then they should reply back with something. Otherwise it would have been better if he never commented in the first place, especially with a comment like "I suspect you have misspelled System.Data". That was a bit insulting. I have noticed his comments on other posts that are similarly mildly denigrating. Contrast that with a more helpful comment he could have made, such as "Did you check there are no misspellings...?" But instead, he *suspects*... not helpful. So if you are in the business of lecturing on tone, check your own employees while you're at it.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you for this feedback. I’d like to use this opportunity to engage further on a few of the points made; not as a debate, just as a demonstration that we are always looking to improve and to identify actions that can be taken to ensure you have a better experience in the future. I think it important to show that we are actively moderating this community from many different perspectives; not just to you, but the entire community.
But in order to have any further discussion, I want to be clear that I don’t want to continue involving individual team members in it. We provide means to contact our moderators over on the right panel, you may contact our team anytime to discuss issues with other participants.
That out of the way, let me start with your last point. There is little-to-no lecturing when it comes to tone in this community beyond: “Try your best not to read tone into the discussions that happen in this community.” One of the big weaknesses of online communication is it is a poor purveyor of tone (unless loaded with emojis and emoticons :)). I’ll take your feedback and certainly look into if there are better ways to phrase responses. But this is no simple task; especially as a truly global community where something that seems like an innocuous statement in one region can be read with different meaning in another.
Thank you for this feedback. I’d like to use this opportunity to engage further on a few of the points made; not as a debate, just as a demonstration that we are always looking to improve and to identify actions that can be taken to ensure you have a better experience in the future. I think it important to show that we are actively moderating this community from many different perspectives; not just to you, but the entire community.
But in order to have any further discussion, I want to be clear that I don’t want to continue involving individual team members in it. We provide means to contact our moderators over on the right panel, you may contact our team anytime to discuss issues with other participants.
That out of the way, let me start with your last point. There is little-to-no lecturing when it comes to tone in this community beyond: “Try your best not to read tone into the discussions that happen in this community.” One of the big weaknesses of online communication is it is a poor purveyor of tone (unless loaded with emojis and emoticons :)). I’ll take your feedback and certainly look into if there are better ways to phrase responses. But this is no simple task; especially as a truly global community where something that seems like an innocuous statement in one region can be read with different meaning in another.
Are there opportunities to improve? Yes. But even in our effort to do so, the best rule of thumb is to read no tone into other participant’s responses beyond, “I’m responding because I sincerely want to help you.”
Now, focusing on this thread and some of the issues you cited. First, my apologies that it took longer than expected to get any response. I can tell you and all our participants that continuing to scale our responsiveness is our top-most priority. The PSC is in the midst of an incredibly accelerated growth period. For perspective, community activity and traffic grew by 25% from January to February. While this is great for the future health of this community, it means things that worked for us at a certain volume, may not be as effective at a significantly increased one. This is not an excuse, but statement of reality. It’s on us to continue iterating and improving for sustained success.
As we do, I refer everyone back to our moderators. We have this team in place for a reason. Not to directly answer questions, but to keep the community active, engaged, and professional. If, in the future, something has gone what you consider an unreasonable amount of time without a response, let our moderators know and they’ll engage with the SME to let them know they’ve got something they need of follow-up on.
In addition, if you’ve received more information from on-site resources or have spun up associated SRs with GCS, let the moderation team know and they can make those connections to ensure these posts reflect the full picture for you and everyone else who comes across them in the future.
Our team built this community on the belief that, while there will always be a need for SRs to do deep-dive/urgent investigations that can’t be done in an space like this, the majority of issues developers encounter on a day-to-day basis can be addressed through an open and collaborative community of engaged Pega developers. And it was built on the premise this vision only works if every participant knows that this is a safe and active space to participate; something we provide through a team of dedicated community moderators.
Again, I look forward to your continued engagement on the PSC. And if this response achieves anything, I hope it is moving forward you and all of our participants read responses you get from any Pega Employee to have one unified tone: We are here to help you.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @MichaelD4660!
You mentioned that you have an open SR on this. Could you please share the SR ID so that we can track this for you?

Fifth Third Bank Bank
What I said was that I was told that I should submit this as a ticket... as in, it would be a good candidate for a support incident. I haven't taken the time yet to fill out the SR form. I will provide an update when I do. Too bad that it cannot be escalated into that queue from here.

Pegasystems Inc.
My apologies @MichaelD4660 for misreading your previous comment. We do update the SRs and link them to their PSC post and let the Engineering team know. Thank you for your feedback and I will take what you said into our planning.