Sun Life Financial
Last activity: 12 Oct 2022 12:55 EDT
Select Package (offline)
I have a use who is facing the error in the title when they want to Open the Bot from Robot Manager. See the attached image.
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Pegasystems Inc.
@DennisG3020 I have never seen offline in the title before. The Select Package dialog should come up whenever a user is assigned multiple packages. Are you using the package server or are you using a repository within your Robot Manager application?
Sun Life Financial
@ThomasSasnett The user is only assigned one package.
Pegasystems Inc.
Could you elaborate on the issue. The image looks like the Robot Runtime package selection screen. Could you confirm?
This screen is presented when a user has multiple package assignments and has to select which one wants to run. This may happen either through direct assignments to the user or to assignments via departments.
Sun Life Financial
@Angel Hermira The issue is the user is assigned only one package in Robot Manager. He is getting an Select package (offline). I dont understand why he is getting multiple package when he is only assigned one in Robot manager. Why is it showing offline? is there something i can do in Robot manager to change this? the other users assigned the same package its working fine. Is there a setting i can change this in Robot Manager?
Pegasystems Inc.
@DennisG3020 Could this be because Runtime is starting on login and the user isn't yet connected to the network (i.e., they must connect to a VPN first)?
Sun Life Financial
@ThomasSasnett The user is connected to the VPN and i was remoting in user computer to make sure that they are logged in VPN.
Pegasystems Inc.
@DennisG3020 , could you check if there are other packages assigned to the user's department, division, or organization?
you could do this from the Departments view in Robot Manager console.
If the package is assigned to the organization, division, or department the user is associated to.
You can check the organization data from the user's operator record using Dev Studio
Sun Life Financial
@Angel Hermira I am the one who assigned the package to the user, so no other package is assigned to the user. There's over 40 users assigned same package and its only one user facing this issue. Could we set up a meeting to resolve this please?
Pegasystems Inc.
@DennisG3020 You will need to open a support request as we have no means to meet through our community portal. Our support team will certainly be able to assist you though.
Sun Life Financial
@ThomasSasnett thank you
Pegasystems Inc.
If this is the only user facing the issue. I'd check the runtime config file for that particular user to see if it is using the same as the others or if it is customised and declaring other packages by any chance.
Thomas is correct, to have a session we'll need you to open a support ticket.