
Last activity: 7 Dec 2016 12:28 EST
Seeking tuning advice on reducing waits
The performance of our PRPC instance is uneven - some requests are much slower than the average. We use AppDynamics to monitor the servers and acquired snapshots which show that the slow requests don't consume more CPU, but encounter more waits. The waits may be tunable through some cache or pool sizing. Please advise based on the following captured wait stack trace and timings:
The performance of our PRPC instance is uneven - some requests are much slower than the average. We use AppDynamics to monitor the servers and acquired snapshots which show that the slow requests don't consume more CPU, but encounter more waits. The waits may be tunable through some cache or pool sizing. Please advise based on the following captured wait stack trace and timings:
ra_action_executeactions_a6b74ac0c4f89d886313984095d6f5bd$10.executeDateOfferGroupsOfferIdentifiers:1092(0 ms self time, 725 ms total time)
DSMPegaAPI.resolveMethodCall:2105(0 ms self time, 725 ms total time)
DynamicWhenRules_010347_vm3BzVZ_qFQckB9u4GzWBw.invoke:70(0 ms self time, 725 ms total time)
DynamicWhenRules_010347_vm3BzVZ_qFQckB9u4GzWBw.DynamicWhenRules01_03_47:104(86 ms self time, 725 ms total time)
ReentrantLock.lock:290(319 ms self time, 319 ms total time)
DynamicWhenRulesCache_010347_bIqbsJIJOdS_UFWlXUhjZQ.DynamicWhenRulesCache01_03_47:129(0 ms self time, 3833 ms total time)
ra_when_auto_xrf_pkg_408_cc9d0b8d6d99ea3f5e3cda6b2afa0fe3.evaluate:50(0 ms self time, 3720 ms total time)
EvaluateQualifiers_010701_ZtV0pHwes94Zyd9VnbcVHg.invoke:78(0 ms self time, 3720 ms total time)
EvaluateQualifiers_010701_ZtV0pHwes94Zyd9VnbcVHg.EvaluateQualifiers01_07_01:145(0 ms self time, 3720 ms total time)
ClipboardObjectImpl.getParentPage:160(3662 ms self time, 3662 ms total time)
DynamicWhenRules_010347_vm3BzVZ_qFQckB9u4GzWBw.DynamicWhenRules01_03_47:104(86 ms self time, 725 ms total time)
ra_when_tba_default_key355gs01_dd2c8e374e5c47fd796adbd1a251c670.evaluate:50(0 ms self time, 320 ms total time)
EvaluateIncludeAny_010332_9mg5nKAJvmJd0kJURS1ctw.invoke:78(0 ms self time, 320 ms total time)
EvaluateIncludeAny_010332_9mg5nKAJvmJd0kJURS1ctw.EvaluateIncludeAny01_03_32:139(0 ms self time, 320 ms total time)
ClipboardObjectImpl.getParentProperty:188(320 ms self time, 320 ms total time)
EJB - EngineBean:invokeEngine:225 (method time = 0 ms, total time = 4091 ms) (method time = 0 ms, total time = 4091 ms) (method time = 0 ms, total time = 1731 ms)
com.pega.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool:borrowObject:745 (method time = 0 ms, total time = 1731 ms)
java.lang.Object:wait (method time = 1731 ms, total time = 1731 ms) (method time = 0 ms, total time = 1332 ms)
com.pega.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool:borrowObject:745 (method time = 0 ms, total time = 1332 ms)
java.lang.Object:wait (method time = 1332 ms, total time = 1332 ms)