
Last activity: 30 Nov 2021 15:55 EST
SECU0019 Unauthorized request detected when using OOTB control
We recently moved from Pega 7.2.2 to 8.4.3 and came across a problem - clicking on filter icon in Table causes Security Alert:
Unauthorized request detected : Unregistered request encountered for activity pzRunActionWrapper
and there is a warning message on UI:
URL tampering vulnerability detected.
This article implies that this warning only appears when using custom non-autogenerated controls, however we are using OOTB table filtering functionality, we don't have any custom controls or Run Script actions in our application.
Is this Pega's defect or do we need to change some settings in our application after moving from 7.2.2? Will this be fixed in 8.5 since pyBlockUnregisteredRequests will be blocking unregistered requests by default?