SECU0001 exception on inserting some HTML code in section
Hi ,
I have a requirement where i should add records to a table using java script to read 3 properties into each page of list.
In below example: I have configured pega repeat grid and on click on add button i am adding a row using java script into that table. And that java script populates 3 properties on Attachments(1) or Attachments(2) based on number of attachments i add.
This screen is for external users. When i test this as admin in user portal functionality works and i can see the new clipboard page Attachments with filled info into pyFileName, pyFilePath and pyNote properties.
But when i test from external assignment (DWA) i am seeing the below error message in the tracer and the Attachments embedded page is not populated on the clipbaord. Here the population of Attachments using java script is very much required.
Unexpected properties received in HTTP request : Rule-Obj-Activity: FinishAssignment @The following unexpected properties were received in an HTTP request for Thread STANDARD: pyWorkPage.Findings(1).Attachments(1).pyFileName, pyWorkPage.Findings(1).Attachments(1).pyFilePath, pyWorkPage.Findings(1).Attachments(1).pyNote
Any suggestion to resolve this problem and persist the Attachments embedded page after flow action submitted. Note: I can't do any server calls while on the screen because it is an external assignment.
Your help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.