
National Australia Bank
Last activity: 2 Jun 2023 8:17 EDT
SEC0019 Alert
We identified lot of SEC0019 alerts are being logged in PDC. All these alerts are pointing out to PEGA OOTB activities. We want to have a fix to the root cause rather than blocking such kind of alerts.We also want to know why these alerts are being generated. Is it related to our Application security issue? or PEGA OOTB related issue? Please share any solution how to fix this issue.
Thank you!!
Here is sample Log query:-
2023-02-07 06:56:21,719 GMT*8*SECU0019*0*0*2075ca1b96c5e278987b4ba4b0dc7808*NA*NA*HZ4DYYKALOVZSNDNNIN3L50ZE0P4LIQZEA*P821370D*NAB-UWF-Work*null*5f1179955d38ea7a73b73fec5843e00f*Y*322*HZ4DYYKALOVZSNDNNIN3L50ZE0P4LIQZEA*5476*https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-144*TABTHREAD2*com.pega.pegarules.session.internal.engineinterface.service.HttpAPI*| Proprietary information hidden*Activity=pzUnsubscribeFromPush*Rule-Obj-Activity:pzUnsubscribeFromPush*@BASECLASS PZUNSUBSCRIBEFROMPUSH #20180713T133301.511 GMT Step: 2 Circum: 0*0****NA*NA*NA*NA*NA*NA*initial Executable;0 additional frames in stack;*NA*Unauthorized request detected : Unregistered request encountered for activity Open*