Search Index not working for Pega 8.2.1
Hello! I just installed a fresh copy of Pega 8.2.1 on WAS 8.5.5 and Oracle 12c. It is working as expected, except for the the Search. I click on the re-index button and I get a different message than in the previous Pega versions. The message says - "Reindexing request submitted." I click OK, and then nothing happens. In the past (ie. Pega 8.1.3), it would say, "Reindexing request submitted. Status will be refreshed every 10 seconds." I would click OK and you can see the re-index running.
I can't seem to get the rules re-index to run on Pega 8.2.1. Any suggestions would be great.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****