
Morgan Stanley
Last activity: 31 Jan 2021 23:35 EST
Scenario test REST service not working in STANDALONE mode
Execute a scenario test suite using OOTB REST service(/api/v1/testautomation/scenario and /api/v1/scenariotests/execute) and consume the response. We want to use it in test automation scripts.
Tried running the above mentioned rest service(POST method by giving all the necessary parameters) rule by giving the scenario test suite pxInsName and expecting a response with pass fail information. But, Response body is empty and response code is http 200. Sample request below.
REST service is calling actvity pzExecuteScenarioTests which takes the above parameters and tries to get a ScenarioTestRunner and runs it. This code is neither giving exception nor executing the tests.
fetchedRunner is coming as false and
((com.pega.pegarules.priv.testautomation.IScenarioTestRunner)runner).runAll(); is not getting executed.
tried removing the if(fetechedRunner==true) check as well, still did not work.
Code snippet:
Execute a scenario test suite using OOTB REST service(/api/v1/testautomation/scenario and /api/v1/scenariotests/execute) and consume the response. We want to use it in test automation scripts.
Tried running the above mentioned rest service(POST method by giving all the necessary parameters) rule by giving the scenario test suite pxInsName and expecting a response with pass fail information. But, Response body is empty and response code is http 200. Sample request below.
REST service is calling actvity pzExecuteScenarioTests which takes the above parameters and tries to get a ScenarioTestRunner and runs it. This code is neither giving exception nor executing the tests.
fetchedRunner is coming as false and
((com.pega.pegarules.priv.testautomation.IScenarioTestRunner)runner).runAll(); is not getting executed.
tried removing the if(fetechedRunner==true) check as well, still did not work.
Code snippet:
runner = ((PegaAPI)tools).getScenarioTestRunner(); fetchedRunner = ((com.pega.pegarules.priv.testautomation.IScenarioTestRunner)runner).init(Provider, JobID, ProviderURL, ProviderAuthName, ProviderAuthKey, Browser, BrowserVersion, Platform, PlatformVersion, ScreenResolution, TestSuiteID, SUTURL, SUTUserID, SUTPassword);
if(fetchedRunner == true) { ((com.pega.pegarules.priv.testautomation.IScenarioTestRunner)runner).runAll(); }
Please help in resolving the issue.