
Last activity: 20 May 2021 14:43 EDT
Saving customized properties in PR_DATA_IH_FACT
Hi ,
We need to save the customized properties in PR_DATA_IH_FACT.So we have extended the table with required properties and also customized pyInteractionHistoryConfiguration and pyDefaultWorkingSet data transforms.
Still the property is not logged into the table.
Please let us know if we need to make any other rule changes .
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Pegasystems Inc.
I assume you have created the new property in your SR class hierarchy, without which you wouldn't be able to set it in your strategy. Can you please confirm the following?
- Have you also created the property in the Data-Decision-IH-Fact class? This is also required.
- Is the strategy shape on the data flow really emitting the property as part of the strategy results? I understand you have updated the default working set, but can you still confirm this explicitly? A good test would be to collect the strategy results in a test data set and browse the results. You could also open the strategy shape of the make decision data flow and explicitly look to check if the new property is selected to be emitted by the shape.
Oguz Cavli

Hi @kamag,
1) Yes we have created property in Data-Decision-IH-Fact class
2) This added property is not emitted from the strategy. But there are few other properties which added long back are coming . This property we have not added in outcome properties as we have selected Output all properties.
Other than the two DT's as mentioned in the intial request , is there any other change required.

Pegasystems Inc.
For question 2, I did not mean to ask if the property is emitted from the CaptureInteractionHistory strategy. What is good to know is if the property was emitted by the make decision strategy in the first place or not? If it's a campaign run, then please check if the property is being emitted or selected to be emitted from the strategy shape of the campaign data flow.
- Have you customized any part of the make decision data flow for campaigns? The strategy execution mode on the make decision data flow needs to be set to 'Make decision and store data for later response capture'. Would be good to see a screenshot of this.
- What's the amount of delay between when an offer is sent and a response is received for it? This would tell us if there is any additional customization required.

Pegasystems Inc.
In addition to the above suggestions, case-sensitivity of columns and property is something double check.
Srujana Gaddam

Pegasystems Inc.
@SrujanaG3280 Can you explain your usecase and what functionality are you executing like executing a Real Time Containers or or Campaigns?

Hi @shanr2 ,
We have Service Rest which is exposed to the external system. And one of the attribute which we are receiving from the external system need to be saved into IH. And we are executing a real time campaign for this .

@SrujanaG3280 I hope you have suspended and restarted the campaign. If not, suspend and start the campaign.

Pegasystems Inc.
@SrujanaG3280 So let me see if I understand correctly - this attribute value is coming from an external system and this was not available when the real time campaign was being executed. And you would like to capture this new attribute value during capture response?