
Last activity: 24 Nov 2023 9:50 EST
SASL_SSL configuration in Pega 8.8 Containerized environments
Do you know how to use this SASL_SSL configuration in Pega 8.8 Containerized environments. I have doubts on creating SecrectStores. Any one who has recently configured this with AWS MSK please assist me on that
- Here I am referring to helm chart installation in AWS EKS .
- Ref for helm chart: pega-helm-charts/charts/pega/ at master · pegasystems/pega-helm-charts · GitHub
Need to clarify following issues that I am facing with that.?
- What is STREAM_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD what are the steps to create it and can we store that truststore content in the same secret?
- STREAM_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD is there, but I cannot find KEY to store keystore content in the secret. Could you please clarify this with the steps?
- In STREAM_JAAS_CONFIG could you please let me know valid key value pair to create the secret. and can we use the same secret to store (1),(2) values along with 3rd.?
Its better someone can share the sample yaml files related for external kafka configuration with SASL_SSL. Because the doc is only for the PLAINTEXT mechanism.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***