
Last activity: 15 Jan 2024 8:43 EST
Pega 8.8 Migration - Cassandra Idle Load issue
We have recently migrated from 7.3 to Pega 8.8 and are currentl in the testing phase.
One of the issues which has been raised by the client is the Cassandra load issue even when the system is NOT LIVE. In the error logs we observe that there is only 1 query which is repeatedly causing the load on Cassandra. Following is the query:
'WARN [ReadStage-2] 2024-01-08 17:15:20,335 - Read 1071 live rows and 4542 tombstone cells for query SELECT d FROM adm_commitlog.adm_meta WHERE pk = 'newkeys' LIMIT 5000 ALLOW FILTERING; token -7088964478881828935 (see tombstone_warn_threshold)'
It seems that the load is coming due to queries being generated by ADMS. The concern is to understand that why is there a constant load on Cassandra even when we havnt gone LIVE with all the ADM models and campaigns ?
I am attaching the screen shots from APP dynamics containing the load monitoring for your reference.
Requesting assistance on the same
Thanks and Regards
Vaibhav Chandra