BDP International Inc
Last activity: 25 Apr 2019 18:40 EDT
Runtime failing to start solution successfully after VMs were migrated to a new environment.
Over the weekend my test and prod Pega VMs were migrated to a new vSphere cluster.
After the move, when I try to start the runtime on any of the VMs, the runtimelog.txt is showing a failure to download the package from the package server. I talked to Pega support, who showed me how to bypass with by loading the package manually.
After loading the package manually, the solution loads, but a C# connectionstring is now throwing an exception in the runtimelog.exe, and the solution fails to load.
Since then, the migration was rolled back, but the issue still persists.
Attached runtime.txt, any troubleshooting tips or admin advice is welcome.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update SR Details***