
Ford Motor Pvt Ltd.
Ford Motor Pvt Ltd.
Ford Motor Pvt Ltd.
Posted: Oct 13, 2020
Last activity: May 12, 2021
Last activity: 12 May 2021 9:30 EDT
Queries regarding migration of chatbot channel from non-prod environments to prod environment.
- We have created a chatbot which includes iNLP Text Analyzer, Topic Model (Keyword + ML Based) in DEV Environment. We have migrated this application to QA / PROD environment. Now we have trained the ML model with Feedback data in production.
- Now when we are adding some new commands, also training data for these new commands in DEV environment, and planning to migrate it again to QA/PROD. It will overwrite the model we have available in PROD, which has been trained with Feedback data. So we will lose the trained model from PROD.
- So we want to know-
- What are the best practices for training model in production ?
- How to migrate the chatbot rules, so it doesn’t overwrite the trained model from PROD ?
***Edited by Moderator: Pooja Gadige to add platform capability tags***
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