"Run activity before grid update" in table not running
Hi All,
I have a requirement that when I upload a file, it should be uploaded and the table will show the File name, But only the first 10 characters . For that I have written an activity and called it in "Run activity before grid update" portion in the Operations tab in the table . But the problem is when I am uploading a file , that activity isn't even getting executed .
I have created the activity in code-pega-list and my section is there in that class only . But the table is in a different class i.e. Embed-DragDropFile
FYI , there is nothing wrong with the activity . (i.e. even I am deleting all the steps and adding only a simple property-set step , then also the activity is not getting executed . Nothing is coming in the tracer ) .
Kindly suggest what could be wrong .
***Edited by Moderator Rupashree S. to add Capability tags***