Rule-UI-Paragraph has span class added, how is this converted from Bold text on View to html tags?
Greetings. Hope you are well! I am trying to understand how a Bold text entered in a View via "Override Case Instructions" is being converted to below <p><span class="xxx-warning-text__icon" aria-hidden="true">!</span><strong class="xxx-warning-text__text"><span class="xxx-visually-hidden">Warning</span>Before you make changes to your account we need to check your existing details.</strong></p> I have only added !WarningBefore you make changes to your account we need to check your existing details on the view via AppStudio. I have tried to look at the skins and css rules in Pega but could not find how this is being converted as soon as view is saved. I am on Pega 23.1.2
Any thoughts on this please share them.