
Capgemini Nederland BV
Last activity: 6 Jun 2019 4:35 EDT
Root element is missing
I am trying to open RObotic Automation Studio but it shows up the error that "root element is missing" . I read some pdn articles omn this and the suggested answer is to uninstall and reinstall Visual Studio. I did that too but it's still not working. What's the next step? How can I get rid of this problem? I am facing this issue for the last 10 days now.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Have you performed the installation as an admin?

Capgemini Nederland BV
Yes, I did. I have tried uninstall and reinstall several times and my username is the only user on my laptop and is also the admin on my laptop.

Hi Sanjeev,
In my limited experience, I feel there are 2 things you could do -
1. Uninstall Visual Studio Completely from your system and re-install Pega Robotics Studio from scratch ( this will give you the option to install visual studio - make sure to check the option and install it along with studio )
2.If you already have visual studio installed on your machine, you could also request for Pega Robotics studio plugin version and use that.
Make sure you do either of the 2 steps mentioned at a time and not club both

Capgemini Nederland BV
I actually tried both the steps but it did not work. I did that long ago even before I put this question on PDN. I am wondering why you mention not to try both the steps?

Hi Sanjeev
What I meant to say was try step 1 and then step 2, make sure not to club them. I should have explained it better. Lets say you have Visual studio already installed along with plug-in version of studio and on top of that you install the Pega Robotics studio, this approach sometimes causes issues because in some cases, Visual studio and Pega Robotics studio refer to the same DLL files, this might cause the automation to behave unexpectedly.
Since, you have already tried both ways, I suggest you raise an SR with the support !

This exception may be caused by the fact that the configuration files are not correctly preserved, in fact, I was helped simply by deleting all the files from the %appdata% / OpenSpan directory of all files except the studio and runtime configurations.
Zheyuan Li

Thank You very much.It worked for me too,

I had this same exact problem and it was resolved by deleting everything from the
\appdata\OpenSpan directory except the studio and runtime config xmls, as above.
Zheyuan Li

I had the same problem and it was fixed after deleting all the files from \appdata\OpenSpan directory except the StudioConfig XML & RuntimeConfig XML as mentioned above.
Zheyuan Li