
Bank Of America
Last activity: 31 Jul 2019 21:43 EDT
Role of Data class layer in integration
hi everyone,
I have one question in integration. during integration with the external systems,Pega usually suggests us to create a data model and then data class.use this data class to map the values on to implementation layer class. In doing so we are creating classes in the integration layer, data layer (data class), why can't we just use the data page and use it with a connector and define the data page as well as an int class, so we will eliminate the need of data class.
for example
ABC-Int-LookupCustIDAPI is the wizard generated class then I will create the data page D_CustLookup in the same class so I will just refer the data page where ever I need when mapping data back to the
implementation layer, what advantage we have by using the data class and what will be drawn back of avoiding the data class.