[Robotics] Automation with a variable number of parameters
Similar to the StringUtils functions or WaitAny, is there a way to make an automation take a variable number of parameters?
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Similar to the StringUtils functions or WaitAny, is there a way to make an automation take a variable number of parameters?
@KhaledA7 Not that I am aware of. If I want to pass it a list of something or a complexy object, I usually serialize whatever object I am passing in using the JSONUtils and then de-serialize it in the automation (passing the serialized data as a string).
What is your use case where you have an automation that needs an undetermined number of parameters? Could that be accomplished by passing a list (like an array or a DataTable)?
@ThomasSasnett I couldn't find a way to do it through the automation, but creating a custom script and adding the params keyword worked similar to the Concat function in StringUtils.
What is your use case where you have an automation that needs an undetermined number of parameters? Could that be accomplished by passing a list (like an array or a DataTable)?
My use case is retrieving data from a DB dictionary. Takes the table name, and usually a couple to a few keys to retrieve their values. I could use an array or filter the DataTable, but I think this feature would be more usable in this case and being new, I'd like to learn and experiment with new ways to do things.
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