
Last activity: 26 Sep 2018 6:01 EDT
Rich Text Editor Post Value
We have a rich text editor field in a section with post value action (on-change). After that we have a drop-down field, when the user is entering a value in the rich text editor and then moving to the next field (drop-down) without clicking outside, cursor is automatically moving out of that field and they are not able to select the value. The issue doesn't happens
1> If they click outside after enter the data in rick text editor and then click on the drop-down it's working.
2> If we change the control from rich text editor to text area.
3> If we remove the post value from rich text editor
It looks like the post value (AJAX call) for rich text editor is taking some time when we are actually changing the value in a rich text editor.
Could you please let us know if you have seen the similar issue/behaviour and any fix that could solve this problem ? PFA the section configuration details.