Last activity: 15 Dec 2021 11:32 EST
Reuse of flow rule from built on application in another application
Hi Team,
I have scenario of reuse, I have developed an Application App1 which is built on App2. App2 has flow rule which i want to use into sub-process shape of App1. Please note App1 is built on App2, but in properties of Sub-Process shape I only see the flow rules of same class / super class of App1.
App1 (Case rule want to reuse flow rule of App2) -- built on App2 (has flow rule defined here)
Any clue on what else is needed to achieve this reuse.
Tried already
I have checked the flow rule of App2, it is already declared as Relevant record.
I tried setting the Direct super class of App1 to class of flow rule in App2. This way i can reuse the flow rule, but this should NOT be mandatory as App2 where flow rule exist is built on application for App1. My understanding is that rules from the built App is reusable into higher application.