Restrictions on Web adapter (for IE), and Windows adapters (for Excel and Access forms)
One of our prospects is asking us on how far we can recognize/operate objects when we use Web adapter (for IE in general), and Windows adapter for Excel and Access forms. Do we have any existing documents elaborating these kind of things?
For example:
- Web adapter ... We can recognize/operate the generic parts in HTML such as input forms, radio buttons, dropdown menus, general texts, and tables. We can also handle Java applets. But not Adobe Flash/Flex, or Microsoft Silverlight. We can raise event with Javascript by using ExecuteScript and InvokeScript.
*What about the parts created with Javascripts? How far Pega Robotics can recognize/operate them in general?
- Windows adapter for Excel and Access forms ... We can recognize/operate some "layers" of the form, but not individual input fields, radio buttons, or dropdown menus. As for the individual parts, we need to operate it with SendKeys methods, PerformClick methods with coordinates, Control Regions, etc. We can also take the way to execute Excel Macro directly with Excel Connectors, and OleDbQuery for Access.
This question was put by the customer after the PoC. We need to clarify the spec in detail quite a bit.