
Last activity: 23 Mar 2017 7:43 EDT
Rest JSON attributes (Starting with @) not being mapped to corresponding properties generated by the REST integration wizard.
I have consumed the below JSON Response using REST integration wizard, the attributes name starting with "@" (e.g. "@label") are not being mapped during the runtime, neither the properties corresponding to attributes "$" are mapped. During the Wizard process, clicking on TEST option seems to show the response in correct structure. All other regular data elements are mapped correctly. Any hotfixes for this issue?
"projAttributes": {
"projId": "P000756",
"taskId": null,
"projName": "test",
"projLegalName": "Testing the Legal Name",
"createDate": "19990622",
"productLine": "PE",
"productLineType": "L",
"ProjectPhase": "COR",
"country": "AL",
"countryName": "Albania",
"region": "5",
"respUnit": "0000005484",
"respUnitName": "ISGIS",
"sectorBoard": "OPE",
"overallRisk": "H",
"EACat": null,
"projectStatusCode": "ACTV",
"projectStatusDesc": "Active",
"opsMig25": null,
"lendingInstrument": "SIL",
"lendingInstrumentType": "IN",
"blend": null,
"lendingClassification": null,
"programmatic": null,
"dmType": "DM",
"isdsRequired": null,
"dmTypeText": null,
I have consumed the below JSON Response using REST integration wizard, the attributes name starting with "@" (e.g. "@label") are not being mapped during the runtime, neither the properties corresponding to attributes "$" are mapped. During the Wizard process, clicking on TEST option seems to show the response in correct structure. All other regular data elements are mapped correctly. Any hotfixes for this issue?
"projAttributes": {
"projId": "P000756",
"taskId": null,
"projName": "test",
"projLegalName": "Testing the Legal Name",
"createDate": "19990622",
"productLine": "PE",
"productLineType": "L",
"ProjectPhase": "COR",
"country": "AL",
"countryName": "Albania",
"region": "5",
"respUnit": "0000005484",
"respUnitName": "ISGIS",
"sectorBoard": "OPE",
"overallRisk": "H",
"EACat": null,
"projectStatusCode": "ACTV",
"projectStatusDesc": "Active",
"opsMig25": null,
"lendingInstrument": "SIL",
"lendingInstrumentType": "IN",
"blend": null,
"lendingClassification": null,
"programmatic": null,
"dmType": "DM",
"isdsRequired": null,
"dmTypeText": null,
"boardReport": null,
"additionalFinancing": null,
"additionalFinancingType": null,
"fccFlag": null,
"ProjTransferFlag": "X",
"processingTrack": "2",
"isrReportNo": "ISR361",
"isrMtrPlan": null,
"restrType": "Full",
"restrAppAuth": "RVP",
"restrLevel": "2",
"restrResultChange": "N",
"ISDSMandatory": "No",
"RestrPapNo": "RES214",
"PADRepNo": "PAD29",
"newRisk": "N",
"combinePidIsdsFlag": null,
"sgSpecialists": null,
"ghgaccounting": {
"ghgCode": null,
"grossemissions": "0.00",
"netemissions": "0.00",
"ghgaccemailcclist": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "GHG Accounting Agriculture",
"upi": "001145009"
"financialIntermediaries": null,
"clientInfo": "Y",
"gfrEnabled": "N",
"differentUnit": "Y",
"IBRDFin": "Y",
"IDAFin": "N",
"GEFUFin": "N",
"financiers": {
"financier": {
"financierID": "IBRD"
"CDUpi": "00000000000",
"CDName": null,
"SMUpi": "00000000000",
"SMName": null,
"gpEdit": "Y",
"gpDisp": "Y",
"sbEdit": "N",
"sbDisp": "N",
"globPractices": [
"globPracCode": {
"@label": "Global Practice Code",
"$": "AGR"
"pracName": {
"@label": "Practice Name",
"$": "Agriculture"
"globPracType": {
"@label": "Global Practice Type",
"$": "P"
"globPracPrior": {
"@label": "Global Priority",
"$": "S"
"globPracPerc": {
"@label": "Global Percentage",
"$": "100"
"globalPrcEdit": "Y"
"globPracCode": {
"@label": "Global Practice Code",
"$": "EAE"
"pracName": {
"@label": "Practice Name",
"$": "Energy & Extractives"
"globPracType": {
"@label": "Global Practice Type",
"$": "P"
"globPracPrior": {
"@label": "Global Priority",
"$": "P"
"globPracPerc": {
"@label": "Global Percentage",
"$": "100"
"globalPrcEdit": "Y"
"globPracCode": {
"@label": "Global Practice Code",
"$": "FCV"
"pracName": {
"@label": "Practice Name",
"$": "Fragile, Conflict & Violence"
"globPracType": {
"@label": "Global Practice Type",
"$": "P"
"globPracPrior": {
"@label": "Global Priority",
"$": "S"
"globPracPerc": {
"@label": "Global Percentage",
"$": "100"
"globalPrcEdit": "Y"
"globPracCode": {
"@label": "Global Practice Code",
"$": "JOB"
"pracName": {
"@label": "Practice Name",
"$": "Jobs"
"globPracType": {
"@label": "Global Practice Type",
"$": "P"
"globPracPrior": {
"@label": "Global Priority",
"$": "S"
"globPracPerc": {
"@label": "Global Percentage",
"$": "100"
"globalPrcEdit": "Y"
"globPracCode": {
"@label": "Global Practice Code",
"$": "POV"
"pracName": {
"@label": "Practice Name",
"$": "Poverty"
"globPracType": {
"@label": "Global Practice Type",
"$": "P"
"globPracPrior": {
"@label": "Global Priority",
"$": "S"
"globPracPerc": {
"@label": "Global Percentage",
"$": "100"
"globalPrcEdit": "Y"
"globPracCode": {
"@label": "Global Practice Code",
"$": "PPP"
"pracName": {
"@label": "Practice Name",
"$": "Public Private Partnership"
"globPracType": {
"@label": "Global Practice Type",
"$": "P"
"globPracPrior": {
"@label": "Global Priority",
"$": "S"
"globPracPerc": {
"@label": "Global Percentage",
"$": "100"
"globalPrcEdit": "Y"
"globPracCode": {
"@label": "Global Practice Code",
"$": "SPL"
"pracName": {
"@label": "Practice Name",
"$": "Social Protection & Labor"
"globPracType": {
"@label": "Global Practice Type",
"$": "P"
"globPracPrior": {
"@label": "Global Priority",
"$": "S"
"globPracPerc": {
"@label": "Global Percentage",
"$": "100"
"globalPrcEdit": "Y"
"solAreaTag": {
"@label": "Cross Cutting Topics",
"@Text": "Cross Cutting Topics",
"@Text1": "Please indicate the topics addressed by the project in an explicit and substantive way.",
"solAreas": [
"solAreaCode": {
"@label": "Solution Area Code",
"$": "CLC"
"pracName": {
"@label": "Practice Name",
"$": "Climate Change"
"solAreaType": {
"@label": "Solution Area Type",
"$": "S"
"solAreaEdit": "Y"
"solAreaCode": {
"@label": "Solution Area Code",
"$": "PPP"
"pracName": {
"@label": "Practice Name",
"$": "Public Private Partnership"
"solAreaType": {
"@label": "Solution Area Type",
"$": "S"
"solAreaEdit": "Y"
"PMUpi": "000360034",
"PMName": "Rai, Rajendra",
"basicClosingDate": "00000000",
"forecastClosingDate": "00000000",
"actualClosingDate": "00000000",
"taskStage": null