
Repeating grid get value from report definition
i have Repeating grid got source from PageList. I want to get value from report definition, i can do it with dropdown, but i can't do it with text input
Can i get value from report definition with text input?
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Can you explain your question clearly?
What do you want to achieve is not clear.
You have a repeating grid which is sourced from a pagelist.Then?
Do you want to change the source of repeating grid to Report Definition? If YES it is possible.
If you have a column as a drop down field and want to source it with a report Definition ?If YES it is possible.
If you have a column as a text input and want to source it with anything? Its not possible.

what i want to achieve is
value property from page list i want to send for filter in report definition as parameter and i want to get value of the record in my repeating grid not to show it, i need value for calculate. My work before is i use dropdown and set css of the drop down to display none but the screen is full. thanks before for reply :)
sorry about my english

Please check the example under UI Gallery. The RepeatingGrid uses ReportDefinition to get data. See snapshot attached.
DesignerStudio -> User Interface -> UI Gallery -> Grid -> click on link 'View design-time configuration' to view the configuration.

hi susanliu thanks for reply
no my source for repeating grid must pagelist not report definition thanks before :)

I believe your requirement is to mention/update the source for one of the columns which is a textinput.
There is no provision to specify source for a TextInput, but you may use Auto-Complete, which gives a similar look and feel and let users enter data for searching.

hi shashidhar thanks for reply
my requirement is when one of colomns of page list is updated i want send value to report definition and use the record in my repeating grid. i can do it with dropdown list but the user are not suppose to see what value in drop down list. so my work before is set the css to display none in my drop down list.
sorry about my english

If you are not supposed to display the list in dropdown to user, I believe you can put below CSS in External Style field in Representation tab of field property.
This will disable your dropdown and will show only one value that you want to show i.e. that you can configure by putting default value in field property.
CSS:: disabled:disabled

my requirment is
when value change in drop down list i want to get value from no 3(only get value) to calculate value and store it in one of property in page list cheers
In that case what is the point of having it as part of your grid ? You can use it externally and just pass the parameter on selection of the value from dropdown and referesh the screen so that your calculated values gets populated