
Last activity: 4 Dec 2018 3:40 EST
Regarding Test Case for Activity
Pega 7.2.1
I have recorded new test case for Activity.
Issue: When I am open Activity Test case rule form, it is displaying XML. It is not showing "Inputs" and "Results" and "History" tabs.
Please guide us. Thanks in Advance.....
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
PegaUnit is the new test automation framework introduced for unit testing of rules. From 7.2.2 onwards there is support for testing activity rules using it. In 7.2.1, as invocation of form based rules is deprecated, you are not able to create or edit the AUT for activity properly. We suggest you to not use the old AUT framework for creation of test cases and would suggest you to take up automation using Pega Unit framework. In 7.2.1, Data pages can be tested using it. Help documentation and PDN should be able to provide more information. From 7.2.2 onwards there is support for unit testing more rule types using it.

British Telecom
Hi Rajashekar,
Is it possible for you to attach the activity and XML screen shot and also the logs to see any error message?
Updated: 6 Nov 2018 6:38 EST

Hi Manju,
Sorry, we can't share or attach. I there is no error message. When I go to SysAdmin>Test Case, Open any Test case, It displays Rule xml, instead of rule form or harness.
We are using Pega 7.2.1. Can you please try in Pega 7.2.1 and update.
Thanks in Advance...........

British Telecom
Hi Rajashekar,
sorry for late reply.
I tried to reproduce this, but I am not able to create any Test Case instances , create button is disabled.
Did i miss anything/any configuration(PFA the screen shot).

Hi Manju,
To create a test case, for you have to open the acitivty and open "Test Cases" tab.
To create click "Record new test case" or "clear clipboard and record".
Enter the input parameter and excute. After execution, "Save Test Case".
Give some name and click create and open.
Refresh "Test Cases" tab to see test case.
After above steps, try to open the Test case rule. it will open in xml.

Hi Manju,
Are you able to reproduce.........

Pega 7.2.1
Issue: When I am open Activity Test case rule form, it is displaying XML. It is not showing "Inputs" and "Results" and "History" tabs.
Steps to Reproduce:
1 Go to Designer studio>Application>Automated Unit Testing>Automated Unit Tests.
2 Under Show, select Unit Test Cases.
3 Right click any row having "Recorded For" Activity, select "Open".
4 It will open new window, which shows xml with Delete button. It should show Test case Form or Harness.

Pegasystems Inc.
I think this issue is same as
Please refer other thread for comments.

Using Pega 7.2.1
In "", it is related to re-recording issue, where I am not able to check-out the test case.
In this current post, I am not able to see test case harness or rule form with tabs.
Please do a needful help........

Pegasystems Inc.
I believe both are one and same issue. i.e. only if you are able to open rule in rule form(for editing), you will will be able to see option to checkout.

Do you have a solution........Please share..........
Thanks & Regards
U Rajasekhar

Pegasystems Inc.
As the old auto test functionality is deprecated, creation of new test cases or editing of existing test is not supported.
Please start using Pegaunit instead of autotest. 7.3 version of PRPC has support of most of the rule types.

As mentioned in issue, we are using Pega 7.2.1.
I am not clear i.e. "Please start using Pegaunit instead of autotest". Please elaborate....
We are creating test case from "Test Cases" tab of activity.
Thanks in Advance.......
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
PegaUnit is the new test automation framework introduced for unit testing of rules. From 7.2.2 onwards there is support for testing activity rules using it. In 7.2.1, as invocation of form based rules is deprecated, you are not able to create or edit the AUT for activity properly. We suggest you to not use the old AUT framework for creation of test cases and would suggest you to take up automation using Pega Unit framework. In 7.2.1, Data pages can be tested using it. Help documentation and PDN should be able to provide more information. From 7.2.2 onwards there is support for unit testing more rule types using it.

Can someone response to about issue.
Thanks in Advance.............