Reason for tabindex attr associated with harnessBody
We have a requirement to remove the tabindex=0 from <body> class=harnessBody to meet accessibility guidelines. Having tabindex=0 associated with the <body> sets focus on the <body> with no visible focus indicator when user presses Tab key to navigate the portal. (image attached)
I have tried to apply some code to remove the tabindex attribute or set tabindex="-1" to remove the <body> from the tab order, which runs on window.onload but the tabindex reverts back to a value of "0" once the user presses the Tab key. (code below applied to harness)
function setTabIndex(){ $(".harnessBody").attr("tabindex", "-1"); }
- Is there a particular reason why Pega sets the <body> with tabindex="0"?
- Does anyone have any OOTB suggestions on how to remove tabindex or set "tabindex" to "-1"?
- Does anyone have any suggestion on how to edit the code so that it prevents the tabindex from reverting back to tabindex="0"?